North Bay Island, also known as Coral Island, is a picturesque and vibrant destination. Nestled in the Andaman Sea, North Bay Island is a tropical gem offering an enchanting escape. Its crystal-clear waters reveal a mesmerizing underwater world, brimming with vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life. Adventure seekers can partake in thrilling water sports, including snorkeling, scuba diving, and banana boat rides, while those seeking tranquility can bask on pristine beaches under the tropical sun. The historic lighthouse adds a touch of charm, providing panoramic views of the azure expanse. With its unique blend of adventure, natural beauty, and historical intrigue, North Bay Island promises an unforgettable experience for all who step onto its shores. Whether you’re exploring its vibrant underwater treasures or savoring the serenity of its beaches, North Bay Island is a true haven of exploration and relaxation in the heart of the Andaman archipelago.